Continuing Education Help

MetDental CE Navigation

Primary Site Navigation

Provides the user with the ability to navigate to other areas of the MetDental web site. Areas outside of the "Continuing Education" section provide specific information and/or services that are separate from the continuing education section of the MetDental web site.

Please Note: Users wishing to sign in to the continuing education section should NOT select the "Sign In" button displayed directly above the "Continuing Education" tab.

Primary MetDental Navigation

Secondary Continuing Education Navigation

Upon selection of the "Continuing Education" tab (displayed within the primary site navigation) a secondary continuing education section navigation is displayed. The secondary CE navigation is green in color and provides users with the ability to navigate to specific areas of interest within the MetDental "Continuing Education" section of the web site.

Non Logged In

Prior to CE registration or login the "CE Login" tab is displayed. To Login or Register users must select the "CE Login" tab.

Secondary MetDental Continuing Education Navigation

Logged In

As a logged in CE program user the CE section navigation is modified, replacing the "CE Login" tab with the "CE User Record" tab. The "CE User Record" tab will only display during an active logged in user session.

Secondary MetDental Continuing Education Navigation
CE Login and Registration

The continuing education portion of the MetLife MetDental website requires each user to obtain their own individual CE user account. Individual accounts are required in order to award earned credits to individuals and not to a dental practice. To review Quality Resource Guides (QRG's), take exams, claim CE credits and view and print "Letters of Completion" (certificates), users must be registered and logged into the Continuing Education section of the MetDental website.

CE Login (Figure 1)

To access the CE Login page (Figure 1), or the online CE Registration form (Figure 2), click the CE Login tab (#1). The CE Login tab is displayed within the green CE site navigation.

Help Login screenImportant Note: Once logged in the "CE Login" tab will be replaced with the "CE User Record" tab (see Help section "Metdental CE Navigation").

Username and Password

In the fields provided (#2) enter your username and password submitted when you registered for the MetDental CE program.


Upon entering your username and password select the "Submit" button (#3). Upon validation of both the username and password entered, you will be logged into the MetDental CE program.

Forgot Your Password?

If you have forgotten your account information click the "Forgot your Password?" link (#4) to request it to be reset. Once submitted and email will be immediately sent to the email address on file. Be sure to check your junk mail folder if the email is not received within a few minutes of your request. For additional support you can contact customer services @ 732-493-4140 (Monday-Friday 9:00 to 5:00 EST).

Continuing Education Registration

The MetLife MetDental Continuing Education program does NOT share the MetLife MetDental primary web site sign-in and registration. To participate in the MetDental Continuing Education program each individual is required to complete the Continuing Education User Registration form.

To access the online registration form select the "If Not Previously Registered, Click Here" link (#5) provided at the bottom portion of the CE Login page. When clicked you will be delivered to the online CE Registration form (Figure 2).

CE Registration (Figure 2)

To participate in the MetDental Continuing Education program and claim CE credits you must complete the online CE Registration form (Figure 2).

Personal User Information Help Registration screen

The initial required fields of the CE Registration form require entry of individual personal user information (#1). The information entered will become a permanent part of your MetLife MetDental personal CE Record. Portions of the information will appear on future "Letters of Completion" (certificates) provided with successful completion of each program post examination.

First and Last Names: Must be entered exactly as you would want them to appear on any future "Letters of Completion" (certificates), and should be consistent with individual licensure information.

Email Address: A valid email address is required. A personal email address is recommended to assure receipt of personal Registration Verification information, and any future personal CE oriented account activity email notifications.

Address, License State, Postal Code and Phone Number: Information entered should be consistent with your licensure information and should be kept current.

Tax ID Number

A Tax ID number (#2) must ONLY be entered by users of an approved and actively participating practice. CE credits are FREE to dentists and office staff who participate with MetLife as a benefit of participation.*

Important Tax ID Information: Tax ID numbers are validated with submission of an initial registration form. The Tax ID number will only be requested again for one of the following 2 reasons.
1) The number entered is not valid at time of registration.
2) In conjunction with a future login the number held on file with that account is no longer valid.

Non valid accounts will display fees within the Quality Resource Guides listing page when logged in.

Username and Password

With registration each user is required to submit a username and a password (#3). Only letters and numbers are allowed (no spaces or special characters), with passwords consisting of at least 6 characters. The username and password submitted will be required when returning to the CE portion of the website. Once entered and validated access to content, exams and the CE records associated with the account are provided.

Submit Registration

Once form is completed click the "Submit Registration" button (#4). The form will process immediately and upon validation of the information submitted the user account is immediately active. An email will be immediately generated and sent to the email address provided with registration confirming the site registration.

*Providers who participate in the Preferred Dentist Program through an agreement that MetLife has with a vendor are not eligible for free CE credits.

Viewing and Selecting Quality Resource Guides (QRGs)

To access the Quality Resource Guides listing page (Figure 1), users must click the "Quality Resource Guides" (#1) tab provided within the CE section navigation.

Quality Resources Page Help Figure 1General Information and Resources

General information and resource links are provided (#2) at the top of the page. To view the details associated with each listed item, click where indicated.

Filtering the List

Upon selection of the Quality Resource Guides section the full library of guides is displayed. To filter the list, select from the "Categories of Interest" (#3) displayed directly above the QRGs listing. With each selection made, only the guides available for that topic will be displayed. To display all QRGs click "View All".

The Quality Resource Guides List

The QRGs listing provides details and links to all currently available guides. The information displayed is based on the individual users status.

The QRGs list displayed for Logged In Participating Providers (#4) does not include fees. The list displayed for Logged In Non-Participating Providers (#5) includes fees and will require online purchases to access the online examination and earn CE credits. Common items displayed are Titles, Authors, Descriptions, Viewing Formats (with links to guides) (#6), Credits (#7) and a "Select" button (#8).

Viewing Quality Resource Guides

Viewing QRGs From Within The "Quality Resource Guides" Section

QRGs review is FREE to all MetDental CE website users, and does not require login or registration to access and view a guide from links provided within the QRGs listing. Guides are provided in a variety of formats (Text [HTML], PDF and Interactive). The most commonly utilized format for guides is the Adobe Acrobat PDF format. To view a guide select the appropriate format link displayed directly across from the guide title under the "View Guide" column (#6).

Viewing and Selecting Help Figure 2Viewing QRGs From Within The "CE User Record" Section

QRGs which have been selected and added to an individual user account are available for viewing directly from within the "CE User Record" section (Registration or Login Required). Previously selected guides become a permanent part of a users MetDental CE user record and may be conveniently accessed anytime in the future by logging back into the MetDental CE program (Figure 2).

System Requirements For Viewing Guides

To view "PDF" formatted materials users must have Adobe Acrobat Reader software or like softwares loaded on their computer. To view "INTERACTIVE" materials users must have the Adobe Flash browser plugin software loaded, a high speed internet connection and audio listening devices such as speakers or headphones connected to their system. The Adobe Acrobat Reader and Flash browser plugins are Free downloads from Adobe Systems. Click Here to download.

Selecting Quality Resource Guides

In order to access an online examination and claim CE credit(s), guides must be selected and added to a users "CE User Record". In order for guide(s) to be added to a users CE record, user must be registered and logged in to the CE portion of the MetDental CE program (for help see "CE Login and Registration"), and guide(s) of interest must be selected and added to the "Selection Cart".

Adding Guides To The Selection Cart

To add guides to the selection cart, click the "Select" button (Figure 1) (#8). Selected guides will be added to the "Selection Cart" and the "Selection Cart Status" (Figure 1) (#9) will display the number of selections made and currently held in the selection cart. Selected guides will remain within the selection cart until they are either removed from the cart or processed and added to the users CE User Record.

Selection Car Help Figure 3The Selection Cart

Click the "Selection Cart" tab located within the CE site navigation (Figure 3) (#1).

Review the selection(s) made. If NOT correct, remove from cart (#2) (for details see "Removing Guides from Cart" provided below"). If correct, click the "Continue" button (#3). Proceed all the way through the selection process.

Upon completion of the selection process the user is directed into their "CE User Records". Selected guides are displayed along with their corresponding links (see Figure 2).

Removing Guides From The Selection Cart

Selections listed within the "Selection Cart" may be removed prior to processing the list. To remove title(s) uncheck the "Remove From Cart" (Figure 3) (#2) check box displayed with each listed guide. Selected guides not removed or added to the users "CE User Record" will remain in the "Selection Cart" until they are removed or added to the users record.

Network Participant Displaying Fees for QRGs In The Selection Cart

Selection Cart Help Figure 4If you actively participate in a MetLife network and fees are displayed, the Tax ID number may not have validated upon registration or login. * If so, users may enter their Tax ID number in the field provided. Once entered click the "Apply Tax ID" button prior to clicking the "Continue" button (Figure 4.). If the number entered an applied is valid, the fees displayed will be removed and no fees will be charged.

If the number entered is NOT VALID the fees will continue to display. If correct and NOT for an active participating provider proceed to purchase (see help section "Completing Exams and Claiming CE Credits"). Please note that providers who participate in the Preferred Dentist Program through an agreement that MetLife has with a vendor are not eligible for free CE credits. If incorrect, contact customer services for assistance prior to any online purchase.

*Providers who participate in the Preferred Dentist Program through an agreement that MetLife has with a vendor are not eligible for free CE credits.

Purchasing Exams (Non-Participating Providers)

Section Does NOT Apply To Users Who Actively Participate in a MetLife Network

If you or your office does not participate in a MetLife network, or if you participate in the Preferred Dentist Program through an agreement that MetLife has with a vendor, you must pay a fee for CE credits. The initial QRG selection process is the same as described above with the following exceptions.

Purchasing Exams Screen Help Figure 1 Fees for CE exam credits are displayed throughout the process. Upon submitting the "Selection Cart" list, users are required to complete the online purchase routine. The online purchase routine is provided in a secure online environment and requires that the following steps be followed.

Step One: Requires verification of the exam titles, credits and fees being purchased with a total displayed below the listed items. Users may elect to remove items shown in the list by selecting the "Remove Item" button (Figure 1) (#1) provided with each listed item. Upon removal of any items a new total is calculated.

Step Two: Requires users to enter their credit card information in the form fields provided (#2). When ready select the "Submit Ordered Items" button (#3) to complete the purchase. Users will be provided with both an email verification receipt and a webpage verification receipt which is accessible at anytime from within the "CE User Record" section.

Online Exams and Claiming CE Credits

To access and complete online exams and claim CE credits for your participation in any of the currently active MetDental Quality Resource Guides (QRGs) users must be registered and logged in to the MetDental Continuing Education program. For best results guides of interest should be selected and added to your "CE User Record" (see Help section "Viewing and Selecting Quality Resource Guides"). Once added the following will apply.

Accessing Online Exams

User Record Take Exam Link Figure 1Within Your "CE User Record"

All previously selected guides become a permanent part of each users "CE User Record" (Figure 1) (#1). Guides which are currently active display a "Take Exam" link. To access the exam click the "Take Exam" link (#2).

While Viewing Online Materials

A "Complete Post-Test" button is displayed while viewing a guides online materials. Access to the guides online exam may be obtained by clicking the Complete Post-Test" button (Figure 2) (#1).

User Record Take Exam Link Figure 2Important Note: Access to an exam while viewing materials requires the user to be logged in. If not logged in the user will be redirected to the CE Login page upon clicking the "Complete Post-Test" button. If logged in, but not yet selected and added the guide to their "CE User Record" the user will be redirected to confirm the selection. Once confirmed the user will be deliver to the online exam.

Completing Online Exams

User Record Take Exam Link Figure 3Upon accessing an online exam users are presented with the questions and answer choices associated with the guide of choice (Figure 3). Users are instructed to read each question and select the appropriate answer for each question (#1). Questions are provided in either a True or False and/or a Multiple Choice format. Only one answer can be selected with each question asked. When ready select the "Submit" button (#2).

Note: Exams are open book and require that a score of 70% or higher be obtained in order to claim CE credits and receive a "Letter of Completion". If a minimum score of 70% is not obtained users may retest.

Immediate Grade Report

Upon submitting a completed online exam an immediate online grade report is displayed (Figure 4). Grade reports for successfully completed exams provide the user with the details of both correct and incorrect answers (#1). Once reviewed users must select either "Continue" (#2) buttons and advance to the online program evaluation form.

Exam Results Figure 4Evaluation Form Figure 5Please Note: Grade reports for Non successful completion of an online exam are limited to only display the correct answers to the questions which were answered correctly. Upon selection of the "Continue" button the user will be returned to the CE User Record page where they may select the Retake Exam link provided.

Program Evaluation Form

To receive credit users must complete the online Program Evaluation form. Once completed users must select the "Submit Evaluation" button. (Figure 5) (#1). Upon submitting the form the user will be delivered to the "CE User Record" section where the previously displayed "Take Exam" link will be replaced with a "Certificate" link (see Help section "Viewing and Printing Online Certificates".

Viewing and Printing Online Certificates

Viewing and Printing Certificates Figure 1Upon successful completion of the online examination and submission of the online evaluation form users are returned to the "CE User Record" section. The previously displayed "Take Exam" link will be replaced by a certificate link. To view and print the Letter of Completion click the "Certificate" link (Figure 1) (#1). Once selected the Letter of Completion will be displayed. To print, select the "Click To Print Certificate" button (#2). To close the displayed Letter of Completion, click the "X" symbol (#3) located at the upper right hand corner of the displayed letter.

24/7 365 Access To Your CE Records

The CE User Record is a permanent CE record and may be access at anytime in the future by logging back into the MetLife MetDental CE program. All previously selected programs are a permanent part of your user record. Exam links remain active up until their expiration date. Expired programs remain listed with viewing format links remaining active beyond the expiration date for future viewing and reference.

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