Paul A. Hansen, DDS

Dr. Paul Hansen graduated from the University of Nebraska College of Dentistry in 1975.  Dr. Hansen took training in oral surgery and endodontics through the Air Force prior to long term training in prosthodontics.  Dr. Hansen completed a three year program in prosthodontics through the Air Force at Wilford Hall Medical Center and the University of Texas – San Antonio College of Dentistry finishing in 1984.  He became board certified in prosthodontics in1986.

Dr. Hansen completed a 20 year career in the United States Air Force, retiring from Ramstein Air Base, Germany, in 1996. He directed the graduate prosthodontics program at the University of Missouri – Kansas City from 1996-2000. He began a private practice in conjunction with the University of Kansas Hospital in 2000, and retired from this practice in 2007. Dr. Hansen returned home to the University of Nebraska in 2007 to become the director of the prosthodontics section, and dental implants at the Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry. Dr. Hansen is a full professor, currently teaching at the University of Nebraska on a part time basis.

Dr. Hansen has multiple teaching awards, elected as the most influential teacher for the dental classes of 2017 and 2018 at the University of Nebraska. He has authored over 25 articles in peer reviewed journals. He has lectured on fixed prosthodontics, occlusion and maxillofacial prosthodontics throughout the world.

Managing the Patient with a Worn Dentition (4th Edition)

A patient with a severely worn dentition can be one of the most challenging clinical conditions a general dentist faces. The author updated this guide for a fourth edition to assist the clinician with all aspects of managing a patient with a worn dentition. Following a comprehensive discussion of possible etiologic factors, the Guide systematically walks through the steps necessary to adequately evaluate and create plans for therapy options. Photos of a case supplement discussion of the sequencing of treatment. Finally, maintenance care is outlined to assist the patient and the clinician to protect the investment.


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